Deux suivantes


Entre 618 et 907
Terre cuite, Engobe, Polychromie
Statuette, Mingqi
Don manuel : Meyer (Monsieur); Meyer, Marcel (Madame)

M.C. 9934

These two ladies-in-waiting probably come from the same tomb and have retained much of their polychrome. They wear the long skirt with vertical stripes that was fashionable in the Sui period (589-618) and early Tang period (618-907), and that appears to have fallen out of favour in the early 8th century. Their “sabre-blade” hairstyle was also very common in the 7th century.

Reference(s) : Catherine Delacour, "Les danseuses à la robe d'arc-en-ciel et au vêtement de plumes: à propos de deux mingqi Tang (618-907) de la donation J. Polain au musée Guimet", La revue du Louvre, 1996, n°4, p.74.
C. Hentze, Les figurines de la céramique funéraire: Matériaux pour l'étude des croyances et du folklore de la Chine ancienne, 2 vol. Hellerau bei Dresden, Avalun Verlag,s.d., vol.2, pl.60a.