Bol à thé dans sa gazette


Entre 1127 et 1279
Grès, Céramique tournée, Glaçure = Couverte
Vaisselle et ustensile de cuisine, Récipient (vaisselle), Bol à thé
H. 11.6 x D. 18.3 cm
M.C. 2000-8
Don manuel, Dautresme, François

This piece is a valuable record of the stoneware firing technique in the Southern Song period (1127-1279). A small bowl from the Jian kilns in Fujian province, in a deep black colour with a constellation of small brown marks, is still stuck to its firing saggar. The saggars could be piled up thanks to their conical base, enabling a large quantity of pieces to be fired at the same time and an even distribution of the heat. Photographs in situ show close similarities with this piece.

Reference(s) : Gilles Béguin, Activités du musée Cernuschi, Arts asiatiques, 2001, t.56, p.133-135.
Zeng Fan, Xu Benzhang, Wang Conhui, Fujian Taoci, Shanghai, Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 1988, fig.86 à 240.
Gilles Béguin (dir.), Art chinois, Musée Cernuschi, acquisitions 1993-2004, Paris-Musées, Éditions Findakly, 2005, p. 129.