Vase ding 鼎


Entre -206 et 220
Vaisselle et ustensile de cuisine
H. 17 x D. 13 cm
Don manuel : Lahmani (Monsieur); Lahmani (Madame)
M.C. 2004-5 A

Alongside lacquered wooden wares, the dry lacquer technique (tuotai), which was particularly costly and refined, is recorded since the Warring States era (481-221 BC). Produced by applying layers of hemp or silk cloth soaked with lacquer, this technique produced extraordinarily light works, such as this ding, probably part of a larger ensemble of tableware.

Référence(s) : Art chinois, Musée Cernuschi, acquisitions 1993-2004, Paris-Musées/Editions Findakly, 2005, p.48.